
Lisa Samuelsson

Aspiring data scientist.

M.Sc. Student in Data Science and AI at Chalmers University of Technology

I started studying software engineering at Chalmers University of Technology in 2019, because I found myself increasingly amazed by the technology I used everyday, and I wanted to know how it all worked.

This curiosity led me on to choosing a masters degree in data science and artificial intelligence. I have a wide variety of interests and am always excited to learn new things, which is why data science is a perfect fit for me. My goal is to find clever ways to use data in order to discover new things and develop my understanding of the world.

Work and Projects

Summer Internship at Lantmännen

June 2023 - August 2023

During my Lantmännen internship, I worked on data science projects within HR. I evaluated the process of creating salary ranges using a data-driven approach and wrote a report on efficiency enhancements. By using Power Automate, I automated tasks to minimize manual effort and enhance accuracy. I also created a specialized analytical tool for accurate salary range calculations and used data visualization to communicate insights and trends, thereby aiding decision-making.

  • Power Automate
  • Excel
  • Python
  • Professional Writing

Head of HR, Engineers Without Borders at Chalmers

August 2023 - Present

I wanted to volunteer for something meaningful, and my experience working closely with HR professionals during my internship at Lantmännen inspired me to contribute in the field of human resources. This led me to take on the role as Head of HR for Engineers Without Borders at Chalmers. I manage all aspects of human resources, focusing on recruiting and training engineering students for various humanitarian projects.

  • Communication
  • Leadership
  • Team Building

Automation of the Beekeeping Process

January 2022 - June 2022

My bachelor’s thesis was a machine learning project in collaboration with Ericsson. The aim was to web application for beekeepers with which they can monitor their beehives. Sensors assembled on a beehive allowed for continuous collection of data, which was used to train two machine learning models. We developed one model for analysis of sound from the beehive, and one model for analysis of images of bees entering the beehive.

  • Python
  • Machine Learning
  • Web Development
  • Academic Writing

Summer Internship at Volvo Group

June 2022 - August 2022

During my time at Volvo I worked with two projects. I developed an API using Python, Flask and SQLAlchemy to help facilitate the access to certain data for truck mechanics. I also wrote a program using Selenium WebDriver that automates tests in an internal data system. The goal was to minimize manual labour and ensure quality and correctness of stored information.

  • Python
  • SQLAlchemy
  • Flask
  • Selenium WebDriver

Student Mentor

September 2021 - June 2023

Chalmers offers student mentors as a resource to students with functional variations/disabilities, and since October 2021 I have had a mentee who I meet weekly during the semesters. Together we make a schedule for the week, create to do-lists and plan ahead for exams or assignments. I also always try to provide general guidance, advice and support.

  • Problem Solving
  • Leadership
  • Communication

Student Ambassador

August 2020 - Present

As a student ambassador I share my Chalmers experience at events, fairs and meet ups. One part of the job is to help prospective students find the right education, but a broader goal is to inspire young people to a future within STEM. Through this job I have met people of all ages and from all backgrounds, from middle graders participating in fun tech challenges, to adults looking for a career change.

  • Communication
  • Public Speaking
  • Networking

Note Taker

March 2020 - Present

Since my second semester at Chalmers I have been working as a note taker. This means I share my lecture notes with one or several students who have a functional variation/disability. In order to make my notes helpful I revise and restructure them after the lectures, which also benefits my learning. Hearing how my notes can help students who struggle in different ways is also tremendously rewarding!

  • Time Management
  • Planning
  • Organization


Each year, Spotify releases a playlist with your most played songs - Spotify Wrapped. Me and my friends like to play a game where we all add our top songs to one playlist, and everyone then guesses whose song is playing. An issue was that we could see who had added each song to the collaborative playlist. To solve this problem, I created this simple script with the Spotify API. You simply enter the usernames of the participants and the number of songs to select, and a new playlist is automatically created. You are ready to play!

  • Hobby Project
  • API
  • Python

Some of my favorite courses

Causality and Causal Inference

A course that covers causality and causal inference from a mathematical, statistical and computational perspective. We learned to identify causal inference problems and practiced solving them in practical applications. Consisted of weekly modules with individual assignments along with a larger project carried out in pairs.

  • Statistics
  • Data Science
  • Causal Inference

Advanced Topics in Machine Learning

The course focused on theoretical machine learning and computational aspects, online learning, reinforcement learning, and deep learning models. The goal of the course was to prepare us for research and development of advanced machine learning methods, and make us able to select suitable models for more complex machine learning tasks.

  • Deep Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Python

Design of AI Systems

This course covers a multitude of AI systems, discussing why they are used and how they are built. We have read papers describing the design of AI systems such as AlphaZero and Watson. We have also implemented some AI systems, for example a recommendation system. The course also includes discussion about the possibilities and limitations of AI, as well as ethics and societal impact.

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Ethics
  • Academic Writing

Applied Machine Learning

An elective course that gives an introduction to machine learning techniques. We worked in pairs with weekly programming assignments, covering topics such as clustering, neural networks, and regression and classification. The course had an emphasis on real-world examples of machine learning systems and discussed areas such as ecommerce, natural language processing and business intelligence.

  • Machine Learning
  • Python
  • Data Science

Human Computer Interaction

An elective course covering the human centered design process, from user research to design of user interfaces. Though these topics are not my main area of focus, this course taught me the importance of considering the users needs, how I can discover these needs and create designs that fulfill them. This is something that I now apply when creating any type of system.

  • UX design
  • User Research
  • Academic Writing

Agile Software Project Management

This project course consisted of creating an app geared towards an actual external stakeholder. Much of the focus was on how to efficiently work in teams according to the Agile methodology. My team and I developed an android app for apartment swapping, written in Java using Android Studio.

  • Scrum
  • Android Development
  • UX design



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